This guide covers the basics of how to install, setup and use Devin. For a more detailed guide, check out the full Documentation.
If your servers are managed by a hosting provider, check out if they are already a Devin Partner. To learn more, please contact us.
Install Devin Server
On your servers:
Install Devin App
On your workstation:
Connect your servers
In the App, go to Settings:
Add FileMaker Admin Console credentials
For staging and production servers, enter the API Key shown after installation.
If lost, find it on the server in /{Program Files/Library/opt}/Devin/info.json
Use Test Connection to verify the connection to FMS Admin API and Devin API
Setup a simple project
In the App:
Create a Project
Add a file and create a dev branch
Create a production environment by linking a production deployment (file from your production server) to the main branch
Enter an initial version for the deployment
Deploy your first changes to production
In the Project:
Save a version on your dev branch
Release the version to the main branch
From Modules -> Environments, click Deploy